ayucat.ch 2015-16

id:ayucatのぶろぐ (Nexus 5 (2015) / iPhone 6s / Galaxy S6 edge / iOS 9 / Ubuntu Trusty / Android 6.0 Marshmallow / Thunderbird / AWS / クラブ / 祭り / 花火 / 海 / 野外フェス)

to Lugano (with ICN)

Following these music parties:

music at ca 5 places around Belluvue, Zurich

Silvester fireworks and music at midnight in Zurich - ayucat.ch

I walked back the place for missing one glove and then to the main station.
The train for Lugano was 6 o'clock in the morning, which was quite early to me, but I was easily in time.
As it was still dark and I was so sleepy, had never seen outside of windows during the riding, except for at B... station.